Share Data in TallyPrime
With TallyPrime, you can not only store your business data but also share it in a jiffy with the desired audience. Your business data will be saved in the form of masters and transactions, and tracked in the form of reports. You can easily import, export, or e-mail the required information. You don’t need an external application to share your information. TallyPrime has got you covered!
For example, you can e-mail the reports daily to a pre-defined audience, who might be stakeholders inside or outside your company. You can do this by using the e-mail account created for you with the company domain. The best part is that you don’t have to type your e-mail ID and the e-mail IDs of the recipients every time.
You don’t have to move out of your ongoing work in TallyPrime to export or e-mail. You can very well do it from the screen in which you are working. You can also import and export masters and transactions from anywhere in the product.
For import, export, and e-mail, you can enable company details and company logo settings for all the companies from the top menu. What’s more, you can easily find the required configuration by typing in the table search bar!