Introduction to VAT (Kenya)
Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax levied on goods and services supplied or imported into Kenya. VAT is introduced in Kenya in January 1990 replacing Sales Tax, which had been in operation since 1973.
VAT is...
Kenya VAT Masters
Effective from 1-Jan-2021, as per the general VAT rate of 16%, you can update the VAT rate to 16% in the masters, record transactions, and export the same to the new VAT template version 14.0.0.
Purchases Under Kenya VAT
After activating Kenya VAT for your company, you can record different kinds of purchases such as domestic purchases, imports, zero-rated, exempt purchases and so on.
Sales Under Kenya VAT
You can record and print different kind of sales transactions based on buyer type, location of the buyer, and other conditional sales such as discount and so on.
Kenya VAT Form-3
VAT Form-3
VAT Form-3 is the monthly VAT return filed by dealers in Kenya. You can generate this return form along with supporting annex...