A set of features has been identified for the secure functioning of Tally been identified and bundled under the safety features. There are seven features provided for the proper monitoring and safe working of Tally.
Features are
1. Verification for altered voucher
2. Restoring deleted vouchers
3. System date as current date on company load
4. Enable transaction only on system date
5. Enable 'block delete for users'
6. Block Cancel for users
7. Blocking voucher configuration


Gateway of Tally -> F11 features -> Add on features

  • Select addon features

  • Enable - Activate security features

1.Verification for altered voucher 

This feature provides  the user with details of all alterations made in the vouchers. A detailed report with details like username(one who altered the voucher),time, date, alteration made is available.

Enable verification for altered voucher

  • To view the voucher, alter history, go to

Gateway of Tally -> Display -> Daybook->Voucher alter history

2.Alter details in Voucher

This is a sub-option under the verification of altered voucher. Here the details of the alterations can be viewed in the  voucher itself.

  • Enable ‘show alter details in voucher’

If user alters the voucher entry, then - voucher altered message will be displayed at the bottom. This message will be displayed only if any alterations has been made in the voucher.

The details of all alteration mades of are for the particular voucher will be displayed.


3.Restoring deleted vouchers

This feature provides two different options for the admin user. One is to restore all deleted vouchers and other is to permanently delete the vouchers. The vouchers deleted by the user will be moved to recycle bin, only the admin can delete them permanently

  • Enable - activate restore deleted vouchers’ option

  • On enabling this option, an alert message will be generated.

  • When an allotted user delete the voucher, it moves to recycle bin.

  • To restore,
    login as admin, as restore option is the privilege of admin user only, Go to Gateway of Tally -> display -> deleted register-> restore voucher button.

  • To delete permanently,
login as admin, as permanent delete option is the privilege of
admin user only, Go to Gateway of Tally->Display->Deleted voucher register->permanent delete button

Vouchers deleted by users will be marked as optional in this register and only admin can delete them permanently.

System  date as current date on company load. This features automatically take the system date as the voucher
entry date on loading the company. In case the user forget to update the date, by enabling this features the current system date
will be set automatically. 
Enable ‘system date as current date on company load’ option.

Enable transaction only on system date

This feature adds an additional functionality to the above feature. Here the voucher entry will be blocked  in case the entry date is different from the system date.

 Enable ‘transaction only on system date’ option

On trying to make voucher entries for a different date, ’ACCESS DENIED’ message and another warning message will be generated.

The delete option for voucher can be blocked for selected users using this feature.

Enable ‘block delete for users’

  • Initially when enabling this feature in F11, the user will be prompted to settle users in the security control menu through the following alert message.

  • The admin can select users for whom the delete option has to be blocked in the security control menu.
  • A new functionality ‘block delete’ will be available in the user security menu.
  • Here the admin can allocate the user as required

  • Delete option disabled

Block Cancel for users

Similar in functionality the above feature, except that the cancel function can be disabled for selected users.

  • Admin can allocate users

  • Cancel option disabled

1.Blocking voucher configuration 

The F12 configuration will be disabled on enabling this option


  • Enable ‘block voucher configuration for users’

However, the F12 configuration will be available for the reports.



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