When you print an invoice Second time from Tally, Always marked as "Duplicate Copy". This control is not applicable for Admin user. * The features work only with the transaction entered after loading this TCP.
TDL Configuration:
- Download the TCP File from mConnect .and save in system folder where Tally.ERP9 is installed. Open Tally.ERP9 , Select F12 Configuration -> Product & Features -> F4 - Manage Local TDLs ->
Load TDL’s on Start up – Yes ->List of TDL’s to preloaded on Tally Start up : type tcp file name or Copy and paste the path where the TCP is stored .
In this first load the mconnect module and then load the print module. This control is only applicable for user not admin.
Feature Configuration in tally .ERP 9
Gateway of Tally->Accounting Voucher Creation->sales
*Print the invoice. The first print is ordinary and next one is duplicate print.