Credit Control Authorization

Credit Control Authorization

In Tally. ERP 9, Overdue by days is shown only in outstanding Statement. But you cannot control the generation of Sales invoice if overdue bill is there for that customer. Hence, this module is developed to restrict the generation of Sales Invoice based on the overdue by Days.

  • To use this feature follow these steps:
  • From Gateway of Tally -> Company Features (F11 Features) -> Add-on Features (F6).
  • Enable “Credit Control Authorization” as shown in below fig.




  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F11:Features > Accounting Features

  1. Enable the features under Credit Control Days, as shown in the above fig.
  2. Now go to Gateway of Tally > F3: Cmp Info > Security Control > Users and Passwords. The Screen will be as follows.

  1. For the Users created as shown above, under C Days Authorized, enable the feature to whom we want to give the authorization and disable whom we don’t want to give the authorization.
  2. Now open the company with the user id and password of the authorized user. When the user selects the party name that has Overdue Bills, he will see a message as shown in following fig. but he will be allowed to create the sales invoice of this party.
  3. Whereas, when we open the company with the user id and password of the unauthorized user, and when this user selects a party that has overdue bills, he will see the same message but he will not be allowed to create the sales invoice for this party.
A button to authorize an unauthorized user.

  1. Now if the unauthorized user wants to create a sales invoice, an authorized user can give him the access for the creation of this sales invoice.
  2. To give authorization for this user, to create sales invoice, you can find a button named By pressing this button you will see the following screen.

  1. Here, in the name of the user, only the authorized users name will be listed and that user, with the help of his user id and password, can give the access to this unauthorized user to create this sales invoice.

  1. If any one try’s with the wrong password he will see an error message “Incorrect Password” as shown below.

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