Cheque no Search & Auto Cheque Return Entry

                                        Cheque no Search
                                   Auto Cheque  Return Entry


This module facilitates the user to sort out or quickly search for a particular cheque entry by giving the cheque number in the search option. Another utility is the automatic posting of cheque returns.

TCP Configuration:

Save in Tally.ERP9 folder. Select F12 Configuration -> Product & Features -> F4 - Manage Local TDLs ->Load TDL’s on Start up – Yes  -> List of TDL’s to preloaded on Tally Start up.

Payment Entry:

The bank entry made in the payment voucher

The cheque details are set here, instrument number and date is set here.


Gateway of Tally -> Banking-> Bank reconciliation

All the bank entries will be listed here, categorized on the basis of different banks. On selecting the required bank, all voucher entries related to this bank will be listed.

The default options available in the right button bar are


On loading the customized file, additional options have been created in the right button bar.

Additional options created

Search Option

User can easily sort out the required cheques by entering the cheque number. This helpful in case where there are numerous entries and identifying the required cheque is difficult.

On clicking the search button, type the cheque number in the following window. The corresponding entry will be filtered and displayed.

Cheque Return:

In  case  of cheque return, the user has to simply  select the appropriate entry,click on the ‘chq retn Vtype button’ (cheque return voucher type).This is done in order to allow the user to select the voucher to which the cheque return entry has to be posted.

  • After selecting the voucher, click on the ‘cheque return’.
  •  A confirmation message will displayed after this.

After the automatic return entry, the new voucher will be listed in the bank reconciliation screen.


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