Auto PO short fall

Auto PO short fall

The Reorder Level of materials can be maintained in Default tally. Re- order status report shows the Short fall of material by considering closing stock, Purchase order pending and sales order pending etc. This module enable the tally user to auto generate the purchase order for the short fall quantity displayed in the reorder status reports.

Configuring TCP in Tally.ERP9

F12 Configuration -> Product & Features -> F4 - Manage Local TDLs ->Load TDL’s on Start up – Yes  -> List of TDL’s to preloaded on Tally Start up : type tcp file name.

Re-order status report by considering Closing stock, purchase order and sales order etc. The last column in this report showing the material short falls as per the Re-Order Level.

Here you can select the multiple items by pressing space bar. Press on place order to generate Auto to PO for the selected items with short fall quantity.

A new purchase order will opened with the selected items with short fall quantity. Here you can do any modifications like selecting supplier or quantity editing etc as required.


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