Address Book allows you to retrieve the customers/Suppliers address, contacts and other registration details in a single report. It can be print vertically or horizontally as suitable for address label.
Quick Setup guide:
- Select F12 Configuration -> Product & Features -> F4 - Manage Local TDLs ->Load TDL’s on Start up – Yes -> List of TDL’s to preloaded on Tally Start up : type tcp file name – AddressBook.tcp
Gate way of tally - Display - Address Book
After selecting the address book option, the address book menu shows the below option
- Sundry debtors
- Sundry creditors
Select the user priority
Select the group
The above figure shows the address details of the sub group
Note: Furthermore, the user can configure more options to access the additional details by using the configure(F12) button.
1.By enabling this option user will get the name of the contact person.
2.By enabling this option which shows the Address.
3.By enabling this option which shows the Tele phone number.
4.By enabling this option which shows the mobile number.
5.By enabling this option which shows the closing balance.
6.By enabling this option which shows the GSTIN number.
Show the vertical
This option is used to the report vertically.